L-Valine Powder

  • Product Name:L Valine
    Appearance:White Powder
    Grade:Food Grade


What is L-Valine Powder?

L-valine powder is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. A powdered form of the amino acid L-Valine.

L valine powder is a fundamental amino corrosive that has wide and extending applications with a thought developing business sector interest. L-valine powder appropriateness goes from creature feed added substance, fixing in superficial and exceptional supplements in drug and agribusiness fields. 

At present, maturation with the guide of model creatures, is a significant technique for the development of wholesale l valine. Notwithstanding, accomplishing the ideal creation has frequently been restricted due to the metabolic irregularity in recombinant strains.

Basic information 
Product Name
Low Price Bulk Amino Acid powder CAS 72-18-4 L – valine
White powder
99% min l-valine
l-valine, valine feed grade, l-valine powder
Keep in a cool, dry, dark location in a tightly sealed container or cylinder.
Shelf Life
24 Months

L-Valine Powder Benefits

The most well-known utilizations of l-valine powder in wellbeing supplements and the wellness business connects with its part in muscle blend and upkeep. Extra purposes of L-valine incorporate pressure the executives, mental capacity and the help of the resistant framework.

L valine powder forestalls the breakdown of muscle tissue by providing the muscles with additional glucose for energy creation during serious active work. Weight lifters will more often than not use Valine related to Isoleucine and Leucine to elevate muscle development and to supply them with energy as well as supporting their recuperation.

Wholesale l valine additionally helps eliminate possibly harmful abundance nitrogen from the liver and can move nitrogen to different tissues in the body on a case by case basis.

Technical Support & Resources

Information provided in the product description is from published literature. Due to the nature of scientific experimentation, your results or specific application for this product may differ. If you have questions about how this product fits your application, please contact our technical support staff.

MSDS: MSDS available.

COA: COA can be available if you send us inquiry.

Email us at: info@maxmedchem.com for more details.           

Packaging and Shipping