D ribose

  • Product Name:d-ribose powder
    Grade:Food Grade



What is D ribose?

D ribose, or just ribose, is a basic sugar that our cells make hundreds of times a day to give us the energy we need to do our jobs. Our cells need organic d ribose to generate energy. Every cell in your body needs ribose to function.

Your heart burns a lot of energy every day, spending about 6,000 grams of that energy pumping blood around your body. The heart has approximately 0.7 grams of stored energy at any given time. Our cardiac muscle cells require ribose to function, and the heart must constantly replenish its energy reserves.

Basic information    

Description White or slightly yellow crystals or crystalline powder, reducing sugar. Visual
Assay 97.0%~102%(HPLC, dry basis) AJI97
Loss on Drying ≤3.0%(in vacuum, 60℃, 3hours) AJI97
Residue on Ignition (Sulfated) ≤0.2% AJI97
Specific Rotation [a]D20 -18.0°~ – 22.0° AJI97
State of Solution ≥95% AJI97
Heavy Metals ≤10ppm AJI97
Arsenic(As2O3) <2ppm AJI97
Other saccharide Not detectable (chromatographically) AJI97
Aerobic Plate Count <100cfu/g AJI9

D ribose Benefits

enhances energy stores in cells:

Concentrate on members in an escalated exercise program of cycling runs who took D-ribose had ordinary degrees of ATP, though the people who took the fake treatment had a lower measure of ATP.

Organic d ribose helps cells’ mitochondria produce more energy and reduces fatigue.

On the other hand, there was no difference in athletic performance between those who took D-ribose and those who took the placebo.

Works on athletic execution:

Due to its crucial role in the production of ATP, scientific research has shown that D-ribose can improve exercise performance.

Due to a lack of blood flow to the organs and tissues, d ribose may help with the recovery of energy reserves after intense exercise.

D ribose improved strength to perform vigorous workouts, according to a number of studies.

However, the vast majority of these studies were carried out on inactive or ill individuals.

aides in recovery and reduces muscle soreness:

D-ribose may speed up recovery from exercise and reduce muscle stiffness in people with myoadenylate deaminase insufficiency, according to studies.

However, additional research is required to ascertain how this might affect those without the problem.

Athletes’ personal experiences have been encouraging.

helps keep the heart healthy:

organic d ribose improves heart function by raising ATP levels in cardiac cells.

When the cardiac muscles fail to pump blood as effectively as they should, this condition is known as congestive heart failure. In a clinical study of 15 people with congestive heart failure, D-ribose improved heart function.

MSDS: MSDS available.

COA: COA can be available if you send us inquiry.

Email us at: info@maxmedchem.com for more details.

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