
  • Common name: DL-O-phosphoserine
    English name: DL-O-Phosphoserine
    CAS number: 17885-08-4
    Molecular weight: 185.07200
    Density: 1.809g/cm3
    Boiling point: 475.4ºC at 760mmHg
    Molecular formula: C3H8NO6P
    Melting point: 190ºC(lit.)


What is Phosphoserine?

Phosphatidylserine (phosphatidylserine, PS), also known as serine phospholipid, diacylglyceryl phosphoserine amino acid. 3 phosphoserine in phospholipid compounds are one of the components of cell membranes, especially in the nervous system of the human body, and are one of the important components of the cell membranes of the brain.

Emotional stability) plays an important regulatory role, such as it can affect the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes, and can activate the metabolism and synthesis of various enzymes.


Phosphoserine Benefits

May Improve Athletic Performance

Supplements containing phosphatidylserine may improve athletic performance and exercise capacity.2 Additionally, researchers discovered that phosphatidylserine may reduce muscle soreness and protect against an increase in cortisol, a stress hormone that frequently results from overtraining.


May Reduce Memory Loss

Phosphatidylserine is frequently taken to try to slow down memory loss caused by aging. 78 older people with mild cognitive impairment were randomly assigned to receive either phosphatidylserine supplements or a placebo for six months in a study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition.


May Aid Depression Mood

Regulation phosphoserine is thought to play a role in mood regulation. For instance, in a 2015 study that was published in Mental Illness, people over the age of 65 who were suffering from major depression took a supplement that contained phosphatidylserine and the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA three times per day for a period of twelve weeks.4 At the conclusion of the study, the participants’ depression scores had improved.


May Help Treat ADHD Symptoms

A 2012 study published in European Psychiatry5 suggests that phosphoserine amino acid and omega-3 fatty acids may help treat ADHD symptoms in children. For 15 weeks, 200 children with ADHD were given either a placebo or a phosphatidylserine and omega-3 fatty acid supplement.


May Lower Cortisol Levels

Several studies have demonstrated that taking phosphoserine amino acid lowers cortisol7, a steroid hormone produced by the body in response to stress. Additionally, cortisol has a significant impact on the regulation of numerous body functions. Keeping cortisol levels in check is beneficial because high levels are linked to negative health effects like higher blood pressure and glucose levels.


– Pregnant women, lactating women and people with specific diseases or taking specific medications should use this product under professional guidance.
– Do not exceed recommended dosage except under professional guidance.
– Storage conditions may vary depending on the specific requirements of the product, please follow the instructions on the product label.

MSDS: MSDS available.

COA: COA can be available if you send us inquiry.

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