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How much do you know about Antipyretic analgesics drugs?

Antipyretic-analgesics drugs are a class of drugs with antipyretic, analgesic and most also having anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic effect. It exerts its antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect primarily by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandin in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues. However, for its analgesic effect, it can only be used to clear only weak to moderate pain.

Acetaminophen, aspirin, and dipyrone are the most commonly used drugs and are equivalent in their efficacy. Dipyrone, used in many parts of the world, is an effective agent; however, it has been implicated in producing agranulocytosis and anaphylactic shock.


What’s the common categories we have seen regarding to Antipyretic analgesics drugs? 

According to the chemical structures, it can be divided into four categories:

  1. Aniline: such as phenacetin, acetaminophen and so on.

  2. Pyrazolones: such as aminopyrine, dipyrone, phenylbutazone and so on.

  3. Salicylic acid: such as aspirin, sodium salicylate.

  4. Novel anti-inflammatory analgesics drugs: such as indomethacin, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen and ibuprofen, ketoprofen and so on. This class of drugs has common adverse reactions such as rash, leukopenia, angioedema and anaphylactic shock can occur in small number of patients. Large doses can cause gastrointestinal reactions and liver and kidney dysfunction.

An antipyretic is a substance that reduces fever.

Most antipyretic medications have other purposes. The most common antipyretics in the United States are ibuprofen and aspirin, which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used primarily as analgesics (pain relievers), but which also have antipyretic properties; and paracetamol (acetaminophen), an analgesic with weak anti-inflammatory properties.

How about the side effect?

Antipyretics, when they are found in acetaminophen and cold medications, can cause a variety of side effects. They may cause an allergic reaction. These side effects include hoarseness, swelling, difficulty breathing, hives, itching, and rash.

What is the best antipyretic?

Available OTC antipyretics include acetaminophen and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the 2 most widely used antipyretics. Ibuprofen is only approved for fever reduction in patients 6 months and older, however.

Where could you find the best supplier of Antipyretic analgesics drugs?

We, Maxmedchem, is a factory supplier that could produce various of Antipyretic analgesics drugs used for different symptoms, such as, fever, headache…etc

Our ingredients have been used for many formulations and we do offer customize options for those who requires technology support.

Are you interested in our Antipyretic analgesics drugs?

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