o que é pqq

O que é PQQ?

PQQ is a natural patented fermentation process. Promotes cognitive health and memory by combating mitochondrial dysfunction and protecting neurons from oxidative damage. Supports energy metabolism and healthy aging.

Human clinical studies show that que o PQQ can increase short-term memory and attention, improve energy metabolism, reduce inflammatory markers, and improve overall well-being.

PQQ é is known to affect multiple cellular pathways, including the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).

Like CoQ10, PQQ has multiple benefits for mitochondrial function. It has been shown to reduce mitochondrial oxidative stress and stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a key factor in the development of many health conditions, especially those commonly associated with aging.




Benefícios do PQQ

O PQQ has been shown to have a wide range of benefits for the brain and body, such as stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis, nerve growth factor production, and antioxidant activity.


Oferece suporte à função mitocondrial ideal

As a result of the impact of the disease, it becomes more important than ever before.

PQQ has diverse benefits for mitochondrial function, having been shown to decrease mitochondrial oxidative stress, as well as stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis.

Taking PQQ promotes cognitive health by combating mitochondrial dysfunction (which is a key factor in the development of several health conditions related to aging).

PQQ and CoQ10 work together to support mitochondria, the energy producers of cells.

PQQ has several benefits for mitochondrial function.

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Promotes cognitive health and memory, combats mitochondrial dysfunction and proteogenic neurons from oxidative stress.

It’s a great experience, it’s a great experience, it’s an important thing, it’s a sign, it’s a benefit, it’s an experiment, it’s an experiment, it’s not. PPQ.


Energia aprimorada

Since the mitochondria produce energy for the cell and PQQ helps the mitochondria work more efficiently, there is an overall increase in energy within the cells.

Unused cellular energy is transferred to other parts of the body. If you struggle to have the energy to get through the day, or if you feel fatigued or lethargic, this extra boost of energy from PPQ will be important for you.

One study found that participants who reported having problems with their energy experienced a noticeable decrease in their fatigue after taking PQQ. If you’re looking for a boost to your energy, PQQ can help with that.


Dormir melhor

Participants in the study mentioned above also reported that they were able to sleep better after taking PQQ for 8 weeks.

Before starting the study, these patients had sleep problems. PQQ appears to reduce the amount of cortisol, or stress hormone, in patients and improve their sleep.

Although PQQ’s sleep benefits haven’t been fully studied, these initial results seem promising.


Melhora a memória

With a reduced amount of stress, researchers began to see improvements in memory.

In this case, the combination of PQQ and CoQ10 may lead to increased memory and promoted cognitive health. CoQ10, like PQQ, is another nutrient that can support the body’s mitochondria.

Many patients often look at PQQ and CoQ10 as an either/or option, but taking one and ignoring the other can result in missing out on some great benefits.


Suporta Fatores de Crescimento Nervoso

Nerve Growth Factor, or NGF, refers to a small group of protein-like molecules that are essential for the maintenance and development of nerve cells.

PQQ is known to influence several cellular pathways, which increases nerve growth factor production.

By protecting neurons and stimulating nerve growth in the brain, PQQ-10 also supports cognitive performance, including memory and attention.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a compound known to influence several cellular pathways, including the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).

By protecting neurons and stimulating nerve growth in the brain, PQQ-10 also supports cognitive performance, including memory and attention.

PQQ increases the biosynthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF), a key protein involved in the growth and survival of neurons.


Previne o estresse oxidativo

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an accumulation of oxidative radicals in our bodies and can lead to chronic and degenerative diseases.

PQQ protects the body’s cells from oxidative damage and supports energy metabolism and healthy aging. It is also considered a new cofactor with antioxidant activity and similar to vitamin B.

Promotes cognitive health and memory by combating mitochondrial dysfunction and protecting neurons from oxidative damage. Supports energy metabolism and healthy aging.

PQQ, considered a new cofactor with antioxidant activity and similar to vitamin B.


Outros benefícios

In addition to the three main benefits listed above, PQQ offers other lesser-known benefits.

PQQ can promote the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which can lead to more neuronal growth and survival.

PQQ may also improve fertility, although more studies are still needed to obtain conclusive results. Other benefits of taking PQQ may be discovered as more research is conducted.


PQQ with CoQ10

CoQ10 is well established as a mitochondrial enhancer, which may contribute to the prevention of several cardiovascular and neurological diseases. CoQ10 increases the efficiency of mitochondrial ATP production and cellular respiration.

Taking CoQ10 with PQQ has a synergistic effect in modulating cell signaling pathways, preventing free radical damage and helping mitochondrial function.

A combination of both nutrients has demonstrated clinical benefits for cognitive performance, such as improving attention and information processing, providing superior mitochondrial support, and exerting cardioprotective effects.



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